Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Mobile Advertising * Mobile Coupons *
Mobile Marketing * Cell Phone Advertising
What if there was a way to reach all of your customers and prospects right now? And, you could reach all of them with a one-to-one message no matter where they are. More important, more than 70% will open and read your message immediately on receipt.

The answer is in the palm of their hand—their cell phone.
By utilizing Global Pocket Media, you are helping put your brand in the hand of your customers and prospects.
Most important, mobile marketing with our services gives you immediate direct response through results that are tracked in real time. No more wondering if that newspaper advertisement or radio advertisement really worked. You’ll know it worked because you’ll get immediate feedback.
Our concept is really quite simple. Utilize our interactive mobile marketing products, to establish your database through a coupon, sweepstakes, game, or interactive advertising. Then, keep in touch with your opt-in database with tips, news, or promotional offers.
Our mobile marketing campaigns will:
- Enable you to immediately gauge results.
- Increase sales.
- Increase customer retention.
- Make your product more relevant to younger audiences—the demographics that your advertisers’ crave.
-Build a database for future promotions

You simply pass out cards... and get paid to give away.
Easy as 1,2,3!!
1.     Hand out your business cards.
2.     Your customer texts the code and are then sent a text message of your special offers...
3.     You increase profits from repeat business

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